Omg. . . it’s happening to me. I have turned into a flapper and not in a good way. What the hell happened? All of a sudden I woke up one day and had flapping skin on my neck. Was this the dreaded turkey neck? Every woman has an area of their body where they notice they are aging. For some of us, it’s the lines around our eyes, the wrinkles on the top on our hands, or the laugh lines around our mouths. However, the one that seems to be screaming out lately with my 40-year-old girlfriends is turkey neck.
Turkey neck is the loose and flabby wrinkled neck skin, it references the wattle (the skin that hangs from the neck on a turkey). For me, it is the first sign that I am aging. Even though I don’t feel like I am (because I am really 32 in my mind), now in my mid 40s I can see that I am aging. I mentioned it one night when I was out with a few girlfriends and they all started freakin’ out! They had started to notice turkey neck on themselves as well, and one of my girlfriends was so secretly upset about it. She was contemplating a neck lift. As the conversation progressed, it worsened because all of us started admitting to the horrific addition of wrinkles on our chests and the worst of the worst . . . wrinkles on our boobs.
Was this the aftermath of too many days in the sun? There is no way I am having a neck lift or even contemplating Botox because I personally draw the line at injecting chemicals into my body for vanity. But, there is also no way I am giving up a single day of surfing because of turkey neck, so this sent me on a quest to find something, anything that could help repair my neck skin and if possible reduce the turkey neck that is quickly forming, because there is no way in hell I am spending the next 20 years looking like I have a wattle!
Tips for improving your neck skin naturally:
- Try to sleep with your neck ‘long’ and stretched out. Sleeping on your back is the best, but if you are a side sleeper, use pillows to keep your neck long — the less it crunches, the less it wrinkles.
- Hunching over your desk or laptop all day with rounded shoulders will make your neck look older. Instead, try to sit with a straight back, relax your shoulders and hold your head high, as this is beneficial for your entire body.
- Yoga postures for your face and neck will help lengthen and stretch it out. Headstand and shoulder stand are amazing, as they flush blood to your face and neck and stimulate the skin. Cobra and Cat/Cow are also fantastic as they stretch the front of the neck. I was also just reading about the benefits to your thyroid by lightly massaging the skin just below your Adam’s apple. Upwards and outwards with your first two fingers. (Please make sure to stretch the skin lightly with mild tension).
- There is also the Facial Flex Ultra. It’s a small steel and plastic device you pop in your mouth to use as a toner. You chew on it and brace your teeth, working different muscles in your cheeks, which pulls up the neck. It’s clinically proven to lift and tone all 30 muscles in the face, chin and neck but using it a few minutes a day. However, you might want to do this in private, it looks kinda weird, but its only $40.
How to take care of your neck skin:
So, the biggest thing is that the skin in the neck region is made of thinner skin tissues which make it more vulnerable to attacks of external irritants such as pollutants, the sun’s UV rays, and allergens, among many others. It is more delicate than the skin on your face, so be gentle with it and try these tips:
- Cleanse it and once a week (minimum) and use a very gentle exfoliate or a mild peel. This will remove the old skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen.
- Use a cream with SPF every day and cover your neck and chest.
- At night, use a heavier/richer night cream. As the skin is thinner it will penetrate easily so give it as much moisture as possible.
- Makeup tips: use Hourglass Primer Serum. It’s super hydrating and will lessen the appearance of lines and wrinkles almost immediately. If you are confident with your contouring skills, then you can contour to make the neck look thinner. But, warning on this one! Don’t use a powder to contour as it will sit in the creases and make them more noticeable.
The skinny on expensive, anti-aging / firming creams:
So, let’s face it, there are hundreds of treatments, products and procedures that can set you back thousands of dollars. The cost of a Botox treatment is about the same as my flight to go surfing in Mexico. So, you know I am always going to get on the plane. But, the key is not in the expensive or invasive treatments, but in the right sort of ingredients that can boost your skin’s natural ability for renewal, as your skin and your entire body are designed to renew themselves. Basically, you are looking for ingredients that add moisture (as the drier your skin, the older your gonna look) and repair the everyday damage to your skin (e.g. from UV rays/pollutants), so collagen is key and ones that boost the elasticity of your skin are best.
Some skin experts say that if you use your face cream on your neck, you will get the same results that it delivers on your face. I have done this and I have gotten some results, but with the turkey sag starting to show up, I broke down and gave the neck creams and serums a try while still using my regular day and night creams. Did they make a difference? Hell, ya! The biggest thing is trying to figure out how to now include this extra product into my overall skin care budget. Because now that I am using them, there really is no going back. How can I? I am in fear that if I stop, I will end up with a wattle.
Here are some key ingredients to look for in your creams:
Sesaflash — comes from sesame. It’s all-natural lifting and firming properties deeply moisturize skin cells.
Peptides — are great for below the jawline and they may also be called tetrapeptides or Matrixyl. They make new collagen and elastic tissue which reduces sagging skin and wrinkles.
Hyaluronic Acid — delivers moisture to the skin and binds it to the skin cells. It is essential for firmer skin.
Plant Stem Cells — stem cells increase the speed of cellular regeneration. Faster production of collagen and elastin? Give it to me! This not only stops the sagging skin, but reverses it.
My Top Picks for Preventing Turkey Neck:
- NeoStrata Firmalift (firming neck and bust gel) $50 CAD
Now, this one gets two thumbs up! Why? Because it not only made my neck look way better, but it gave me a smooth chest and perkier boobs! Hello! I just saved $15K on a boob job and neck lift. Plus, it is the best value at a $50 price point. It has all the key ingredients and with extended use it will help reverse the sagging.
I liked this one because it did not feel greasy on my skin. It also has green seaweed extract to help plump and smooth the skin. Plus, you get the firming action and better elasticity of the skin. The price point is a bit high, so that is only draw back.
- Strivectin TL Neck Cream: $95 USD
Now, this one is the heavy hitter. If you really have sagging starting, then break out the big bucks and go for this one. It has all the key ingredients so you will improve skin elasticity and the skin is almost instantly hydrated, tighter and smoother. If used for a time, it will reverse the neck line and profile as well.
- Peter Thomas Roth Insta Firmx: $48 USD
This is the quick fix, but it can be used everywhere. So, if you want just one cream for those nasty lines and wrinkles, this is the one. But keep in mind it is less expensive, but over time it is not gonna make your skin better. It’s awesome to look good for a night out however!
- Dermagist Neck Restoration Cream $99 USD
This one has it all, all the killer stuff you need. It will fix pretty much everything. Lines, sagging, wrinkles. Plus, it will help reverse the signs of aging. The other bonus is it has a whole lot of great testimonials in case you are doubting the expense. But, if you like it then order two, it gets cheaper.
My Conclusion
They say aging is a natural process, and it is not about how you look but how you feel. Well, the reality for me is that starting to have turkey neck has made me realize that even though I feel young and fabulous, I might not be looking it. But, I will be damned if I grow old without a fight. I exercise and eat healthy in order to feel great, so looking after my skin is also part of the process. The key is to finding the things that help you repair and rejuvenate your body and skin. Whether it’s yoga, a face toner or a neck cream, find what works for you and is healthy. It may take some time to find what works best or to see the results, but it is ultimately better than the expensive quick fixes or stuffing fillers and chemicals into your body. Plus, it is always better than going under the knife. Love yourself inside first, but you can always look after the outside, too.
Marjie Martini