Love Affairs – the long, short and in between
So when is the last time you had a totally wicked love affair? Not a relationship, yuck! Not a one night stand, fun! But…
So now, to answer your question, who am I? I’m a cool chick who is creating and living my life by trying to be REAL and truly grateful for every experience, even the crappy ones. I am a woman who loves hard, drives fast, jumps off cliffs, fights for what I believe in, throws myself in front of busses for my friends or even a dog, and laughs 'til I cry! Oh yeah, I also screw up at times . . . but that’s when I pull out the really good wine.
So when is the last time you had a totally wicked love affair? Not a relationship, yuck! Not a one night stand, fun! But…
The Tale of the Delinquent Martini Have you ever wanted to go out and just play? How nice would it be to simply pick up…
The Tale of the Solo Martini Are you comfortable being completely on your own, and if so, for how long? Could you be alone for…
The Tale of the Big Pickle Martini How big does it have to be? Does size really matter? These questions have persisted since society began…
What the hell is going on? In the past three months five totally awesome and amazing women I know all over the age of…
The Tale of the Anti-Climactic Martini On this particular night I was perplexed by the irony of life and by my indecision in choosing the…
Omg. . . it’s happening to me. I have turned into a flapper and not in a good way. What the hell happened? All…
The Tale of the Comfort Zone Martini As always, insight comes to me in the latest hour of the evening. This was a day and…
When people hear that I surf, they get this envious look in their eyes. They have this idea that I spend my days bikini…
The Tale of the Dazed & Infused Martini Have you ever heard something that was so unbelievable that you walked away completely stunned? I was…